
初心+白月光+入腐坑+永远爱:火影忍者all鸣 鸣宝最可爱啦 我好爱他的 佐鸣是初心 喜欢了六七年了 不会退坑der 然后目前墙头是all金 瑞金 雷金赛高啊【明明之前不怎么吃雷金的 可是雷狮好坏哦 越坏我越爱hhh】是个鸣妈+金妈+久妈 一切伤害我宝贝的🐶粉丝咱们黑名单见。


"I'm sure to be a shadow of fire!"

Naruto said in his dream.

“yeah,yeah,.the song will certainly become a shadow of fire," said Qimu Kakashi.

Qimu Kakashi covered Naruto with a quilt and kissed him on his forehead.

The two of them are absolutely a sweet evening, yes, only two of them.

Are you right? 

My dear.

